Turner Syndrome

Where is the Punnett Diagram for T.S.? 

We found out that you couldn't actually really do a Punnett square for TS...it's a chromosomal abnormality, not a gene-based one, and is the result of a random accident. So the parents may be a perfectly "normal" XY male and XX female and the child has TS because of an accident in either the formation of one particular sperm in the dad or egg in the mom, or an accident that happens in cell division after the sperm has fertilized the egg and the zygote starts growing. (Reference - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091230134113AAmKL1f)
This is a Punnett Diagram of a family. But the thing is that you can never tell which one of the daughters will have the Turner Syndrome
Absence of an entire sex chromosome

Here is our written information



Our other works about The Turner Syndrome:

A visual cartoon talk show:  http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/11800807/turnersyndrome-christie-and-angel-9d?listid=22536490

An audio radio talk show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p25LE35OZmQ